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Category Archives: Cloud PRWire

Great Boulder says Side Well is an absolute belter

–News Direct– Great Boulder Resources Ltd (ASX:GBR) MD Andrew Paterson tells Proactive the company has enhanced the gold bounty of its Side Well Project near Meekatharra in Western Australia through an updated mineral resource estimate (MRE) that has increased the total resource by 29% to

Graphene Market Flourishes as Breakthrough Applications Drive Demand

Introduction Graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, has gained global recognition for its extraordinary properties, such as exceptional electrical and thermal conductivity, mechanical strength, and flexibility. Since its isolation in 2004 by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, graphene has

Frozen Foods Market Heats Up with Innovation and Consumer Demand

Industry Overview: The frozen foods industry encompasses a wide range of products, including frozen fruits and vegetables, frozen ready meals, frozen seafood, and frozen bakery products. With busy lifestyles and a growing awareness of the importance of nutrition, consumers are turning to frozen foods as