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All posts by Laquan Campbell


The weight loss journey has always been a crazy task that requires you to maintain a tense diet and harsh workout routine, up until now. OneShot Keto is a new type of diet pill by the lifestyle brand, Limitless. This keto diet pill produces keto

The robot shows itself how to walk

Walking is a troublesome errand to learn. One of the all the more challenging aspects of building up a humanoid robot are getting it to walk like a human. A group of analysts has recently made a robot that had the option to show itself

The program supports recycling electronics

An initiative to help secure gorilla habitats in Africa has come to north-central Florida. Gorilla SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction) is banding together with the Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo, Alachua County Public Works, Life Unplastic, and The Repurpose Project to recycle cellphones and different

Robot utilized in milestone cerebrum surgery

Robots are utilized in a variety of surgeries nowadays, yet the cerebrum has to a great extent been a restricted zone for robot partners in the OR. With the successful completion of an in-human robotic-assisted neurovascular intervention this month, that’s set to change. The surgery